This is an intro to some of the vocabulary about the different types of shots we'll be learning to use in my class this year! Resources include simple movie vocabulary word lists, picture quizzes, word games and puzzles about film genres and characters, quizzes on popular songs from the movies and lessons about film festivals and movie award ceremonies such as The Cannes Festival, … Try them to see how much you know, and don't forget to write down any new words in your vocabulary book. Many of the French words are linked to audio files. Hold the first letter and go over the word to complete. Film studies vocabulary. soundtrack. the editing technique of alternating, interweaving, or interspersing one narrative action (scene, sequence, or event) with another - usually in different locations or places, thus combining the two; this editing method suggests parallel action (that takes place simultaneously); often used to dramatically build tension and suspense in chase scenes, or to compare two different scenes; also known as inter-cutting or parallel editing. Film Vocabulary. - an abrupt, disorienting transitional device in the middle of a continuous shot in which the action is noticeably advanced in time and/or cut between two similar scenes, either done accidentally (a technical flaw or the result of bad editing) or purposefully (to create discontinuity for artistic effect); also contrast with an ellipsis and match cut. :) Read English (Internet, cartoons, books, etc.). film… Explore the Words. Three Southern women—two black domestic workers and one white socialite—join forces to write a tell-all book about what it's really like to work as the help. sound that can be heard by the audience only, not the characters. There are comedies that make us laugh, and dramas that make us cry. Film lighting technique using a bold contrast between light and dark, Actors often spend long periods of time trying to, An umbrella term for a philosophy of acting that integrates the expression of the body, voice, imagination, personalizing, improvisation, external stimuli, and script analysis. Theme music, voiceover, etc. Often create suspense/ suspicion, Light, bright, open looking. Helps get across the theme. one door closing and then another one opening. Lighting is not intentionally manipulated. Associated with secrecy, dangerous or evilness, moral ambiguity, slit personalities, Direct lighting from front/ behind. 3 years ago. something written by hand. Movies can be divided into several different genres.There are exciting action movies with gun fights and car chases, and horror movies that make us jump in our seats. bedtime reading: a book you read in your bed before going to sleep. Changes attention. Sci-fi movies show us what the future might be like, historical films tell us stories from the past, and documentaries show us real people and events. 509 times. script. All of the elements placed in front of the camera to be photographed: the settings and props, lighting, costumes and makeup, and figure behavior. Frame. Single, uninterrupted piece of film. Start studying Film Review Vocabulary. Save. Direct lighting from below or side. Editing Terms Cut: You cut when you delete part of a clip. Long shot. A shot that … Over the shoulder shot showing different people speaking. A short humorous film in which the characters are drawn 2. Some other vocabulary related to film/movie . a French term for "staging," or "putting into the scene or shot"; in film theory, it refers to staging action that 'covers' or records an entire uninterrupted scene within the frame of the film, and the arrangement, composition and content of the visual elements before the camera (usually in a long-shot) - the content includes settings, decor, props, actors, costumes, lighting, … Shot of a person looking, cut to what they're looking at. a performer in theater, television, or film. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (89) Shot. To take in scenery. Multiple layers of meaning. You’ve got a lot of genres to choose from: westerns (set in the American Wild West) or spaghetti westerns (those filmed in Italy) to action films (fights, car chases etc), adventure, animated (cartoons), or horror (lots of blood or ghostly visits). refers either to a male performer, or to any male or female who plays a character role in an on-screen film; alternate gender-neutral terms: player, artist, or performer. a sequential series of illustrations, stills, rough sketches and/or captions (sometimes resembling a comic or cartoon strip) of events, as seen through the camera lens, that outline the various shots or provide a synopsis for a proposed film story (or for a complex scene) with its action and characters; the storyboards are displayed in sequence for the purpose of visually mapping out and crafting the various shot divisions and camera movements in an animated or live-action film; a blank storyboard is a piece of paper with rectangles drawn on it to represent the camera frame (for each successive shot); a sophisticated type of preview-storyboard (often shot and edited on video, with a soundtrack) is termed an anima tic. Shows full subject. Creates warmth and happiness. Part of a series of free online esl lessons about movies, television and cinema. Expand your French vocabulary related to these terms by perusing the tables below. Makes them look important and powerful. Often used in horror, thriller, dramas, or anything not wishing to refer to the real. Science, Tech, Math Science Math Social Sciences Computer Science Animals & Nature Humanities History & Culture Visual Arts Literature English Geography Philosophy Issues Languages English as a Second Language Spanish French … Sounds that aren't heard by characters in the film. refers to a conventional camera shot filmed from a medium distance; although it is difficult to precisely define, it usually refers to a human figure from the waist (or knees) up; between a close shot and a long shot; abbreviated as m.s. camera shot wherein the entire camera moves. Scene fades to black. split screen (Bildteilung) division of the screen to show two or more pictures at the same time. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The director is usually the single person most responsible for the finished product, although he/she couldn't make a film without support from many other artists and technicians. actor. => Use English subtitles to help you! To see the answers click on the words in the box … Film Terms DRAFT. ", the process by which an actor is strongly identified with a specific character, role, or trait. a scene or sequence dealing with the past which is inserted into a film's 'present time' flash-forward (Vorausschau) a scene or sequence which looks into the future. sets, film set : un ralenti: slow motion : un remake: a remake : un rôle : a part, a role un script (film/movie) script : a script : un spectateur: a viewer : un spoiler: a spoiler : un timelapse: a time lapse : un tournage en extérieurs: outdoor shooting : un travelling: tracking shot : un visionnage: viewing / screening : une animation: animation : une avant-première Look up words you don't know (see dictionaries below). A series of edited shots characterized by inherent unity of theme and purpose. So get your fix of French movies and familiarize yourself with this vocabulary list while you’re at it. A film that is set in the future and there are some imaginary scientific … abbreviation for panorama shot; refers to the horizontal scan, movement, rotation or turning of the camera in one direction (to the right or left) around a fixed axis while filming. Topic Vocabulary >> Lesson 9: Books and Films. A supporting actor skilled at playing distinctly unusual, interesting, or eccentric characters, such that they are "almost unrecognizable from part to part, and yet play many, many roles convincingly and memorably. A shot can be as short or as long as the director wants, but it cannot exceed the length of the film stock in the camera. Home. Read the following IELTS-style questions and answers below and pay attention to the phrases in bold. Often used in "walk and talk". Crop: When you crop a clip, you keep the … 72% average accuracy. If you've ever heard the sound of bleeping when someone is speaking on television, that's censorship. Try to speak English (in class, in the street). What happens in the beginning, middle, and end. someone who finds financing for and supervises the making and presentation of a film, the manager and leader of the artistic aspects of a film production. a narrative that goes in chronological order. Perhaps you prefer comedy (or “romcom” – romantic comedy) or dramas. English. literally the French word for "author"; in film criticism, used in the terms auteurism or auteur theory, denoting a critical theory (originally known as la politique des auteurs or "the policy of authors") popular in France in the 1950s that was introduced by Francois Truffaut and the editors of the celebrated French film journal Cahiers du Cinéma and subsequently enlarged upon in the 1960s by American critic Andrew Sarris, among others; the theory ascribed overall responsibility for the creation of a film and its personal vision, identifiable style, thematic aspects and techniques to its film-maker or director, rather than to the collaborative efforts of all involved; the theory posited that directors should be considered the 'true' authors of film (rather than the screenwriters) because they exercise a great deal of control over all facets of film making and impart a distinctive, personal style to their films; simply stated, an auteur can refer to a director with a recognizable or signature style. Try to match the types of film with their contents. Often implies that time has passed. When the foreground and background are in the same focus. Movement into action that happened in past. 4 – French Movie Vocabulary – Film Crew. match cut. sound recording on a narrow strip of a motion picture film. Makes things look small, even weak and powerless. Vocabulary of Film Words With Definitions (Continued) Filmmaking Script writing: The act of writing a script for a film. Actor who takes his persona from role to role (similar to typecasting, but with a more positive connotation). The world of the story is based on reality; the frame is a window on this world. This is most frequently comunicated through dissolves and superimpositions. Angelic and innocent expression, Intentional edge blur. Often used to emphasize setting or do a slow reveal of a subject. Film Vocabulary. Often a long shot or series of shots that sets the scene. The following table has some words to find out. Provide a sheet with quick definitions of different film types. Any voice, musical passage, or sound effect presented as originating from a source within the film's world. a camera view of an object or character from a considerable distance so that it appears relatively small in the frame, e.g., a person standing in a crowd of people or a horse in a vast landscape; variations are the medium long-shot (or mid-shot) (MS) and the extreme long-shot (ELS or XLS); also called a wide shot; a long shot often serves as an establishing shot; contrast to close-up (CU); a full-shot is a type of long shot that includes a subject's entire body (head to feet). two scenes connected by visual or aural parallelism, e.g. The French translation for each term is listed in the right column. 9th - 12th … 9th - 12th grade. A frame around in film in which characters and objects can enter and leave. Cut between 2 scenes that are happening simultaneously. Noise in the film. show: definitions & notes only words. Both actor and director collaborate in the film-making process. literally, "putting together" or "assembling shots"; refers to a filming technique, editing style, or form of movie collage consisting of a series of successive short shots or images (often disconnected in time or place) that are rapidly juxtaposed into a coherent sequence to suggest meaning or a larger idea; usually a montage is not accompanied with dialogue; dissolves, cuts, fades, super-impositions, and wipes are often used to link the images in a montage sequence; an accelerated montage is composed of shots of increasingly-shorter lengths. Have students get into small groups and try to come up with at least one film for each type of film. Within the context of a well-defined time-scheme sequences may occur which are ambiguous in time. Signifies power or significance. Image being shot takes up at least 80% of the screen, Darkness and shadows. Establishing Shot. Innocence, new life. One image fades into another. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Similar to a character actor, but may ALSO be the lead actor (a character actor is by definition not the lead actor). From David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson, Film Art: An Introduction (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993): Story: In a narrative film, all the events that we see and hear, plus all those that we infer or assume to have occurred, arranged in their presumed causal relations, chronological order, duration, frequency, and spatial locations. When the director shifts the focus from one object to another in the same scene. Choose from 500 different sets of french film vocabulary la haine flashcards on Quizlet. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. Lens moves, but not camera. a transitional device consisting of a gradual change in the intensity of an image or sound, such as from a normally-lit scene to darkness (fade out, fade-to-black) or vice versa, from complete black to full exposure (fade in), or from silence to sound or vice versa; a 'fade in' is often at the beginning of a sequence, and a 'fade out' at the end of a sequence. Often used to create an intense mood and develop characterization. one single object, person, place, etc. In order to maintain its currency, the Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List is updated on an annual basis, with the decision to add or remove words being informed by reference to the Cambridge Learner Corpus and English Profile Wordlists. Results in a motion similar to someone nodding their head "yes". Sound that can logically be heard by the characters. 3 years ago. A vocabulary list featuring "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett, Chapters 1–9. the process of figuring out where the camera goes, how the lights will be arranged, and what the actors' positions and movements - moment by moment - are for each shot or take; often, the specific staging of a film's movements are worked out by the director, often with stand-ins and the lighting crew before actual shooting. ), or first cameraman; one of the earliest movie-picture machines, patented by the Lumiere brothers in 1895, was termed a Cinematographe. tracydavis. Play this game to review Vocabulary. I'm really addicted to books! One uninterrupted run of the camera. It is usually, although not always, followed by a cut back to the first shot. objects used by the actors in the production of a film. When two events in different places are shown in one shot. that represents an abstract idea. Film Terms DRAFT. Often a long shot or series of shots that sets the scene. Opposite of. Played 509 times. a constructed backdrop for a film production. a non-fiction (factual), narrative film with real people (not performers or actors); typically, a documentary is a low-budget, journalistic record of an event, person, or place; a documentary film-maker should be an unobtrusive observer - like a fly-on-the-wall, capturing reality as it happens; a.k.a. Example: because his films are so visually stunning and complex, director Baz Lurman must work hand in hand with his director of photography (also known as this term), Donald McAlpine. In the tables, the word is presented first in English in the left column to make it easier to find the term you need. Actors who seem to be different in every role. Make a few suggestions of recent films using some of the film types to get students started. Adds tension to static frame. The chief electrician on a movie production set. The Cambridge … The second part of a traditional Hollywood narrative wherein the situation and setup are complicated further, prompting the need for resolution. a script or text for a film production written by a scripter or screenwriter(s) (or scribe), written (scribbled, scripted, or penned) in the prescribed form as a series of master scenes, with all the dialogue provided and the essential actions and character movements described; screenplays are often adaptations of other works; known archaically as a photoplay during the silent era. Le cinéma se sert de nombreux termes qui lui sont propres et il est facile de s’y perdre, de les confondre, de ne pas les comprendre. 2. Opposed to plot, which is the film's … a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work, occurs when what is said contradicts what is meant or thought, a character that does not change from the beginning of the story to the end, A character who grows, learns, or changes as a result of the story's action, a reference to something literary, mythological, or historical that the author assumes the reader will recognize. Shot. the process (performed by a film editor) of selecting, assembling, arranging, collating, trimming, structuring, and splicing-joining together many separate camera takes (includes sound also) of exposed footage (or daily rushes) into a complete, determined sequence or order of shots (or film) - that follows the script; digital editing refers to changing film frames by digitizing them and modifying them electronically; relational editing refers to editing shots to suggest a conceptual link between them; an editor works in a cutting room; the choice of shots has a tremendous influence upon the film's final appearance. Sets the scene or shows the space of a scene; often a Long Sho…. Choose from 500 different sets of french film vocab flashcards on Quizlet. Last week I saw a great action movie with my brother at our local movie theatre. an abrupt or sudden change or jump in camera angle, location, placement, or time, from one shot to another; consists of a transition from one scene to another (a visual cut) or from one soundtrack to another (a sound cut); cutting refers to the selection, splicing and assembly by the film editor of the various shots or sequences for a reel of film, and the process of shortening a scene; also refers to the instructional word 'cut' said at the end of a take by the director to stop the action in front of the camera; cut to refers to the point at which one shot or scene is changed immediately to another; also refers to a complete edited version of a film (e.g., rough cut); also see director's cut; various types of cuts include invisible cut, smooth cut, jump cut, shock cut, etc. Menu. Camera moves with action on a track. English words for Film and Cinema - an esl picture vocabulary matching quiz for adult beginners and Elementary level English learners. A literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent abstractions. Types of film, using the word 'film': A horror film: A film … by tracydavis. What sort of films do you enjoy? Edit. a secondary story or stories embedded in the main story, the event in the first act that is the "domino" that starts all the action, The techniques which have to do with how the camera is positioned and moved, and how the film stock is manipulated, The concluding section in a traditional Hollywood narrative. the creative artist responsible for complete artistic control of all phases of a film's production (such as making day-to-day determinations about sound, lighting, action, casting, even editing), for translating/interpreting a script into a film, for guiding the performances of the actors in a particular role and/or scene, and for supervising the cinematography and film crew. Shot taken from a distance. In the _______ frame, the design elements call attention to themselves and may be more important than the characters. These exercises practise vocabulary about films. Storyboarding: Creating images of the shots you plan to shoot in your film. ⬤ Word search puzzle about films and cinema vocabulary online. specifically refers to the art and technique of film photography, the capture of images, and lighting effects, or to the person expert in and responsible for capturing or recording-photographing images for a film, through the selection of visual recording devices, camera angles, film stock, lenses, framing, and arrangement of lighting; the chief cinematographer responsible for a movie is called the director of photography (or D.P. Vocabulary Jam Compete head-to-head in real-time to see which team can answer the most questions correctly. a French term meaning a filmmaker who has a personal style and keeps creative control over his or her works. The third part of a traditional Hollywood narrative wherein the problems established in the previous sections are resolved. 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A nice game called word search puzzle about films and cinema vocabulary online type is termed film vocabulary quizlet ; contrast cinema. Featuring `` the Help '' by Kathryn Stockett, Chapters 1–9 most common editing designed.