Disgusted, Larbo asked what kind of man would use his own son as bait, though Boba replied, "Only a son can know his father's heart". By the era of the Galactic Empire, Boba possessed the same set of Mandalorian armor worn by Jango, although its appearance had been altered significantly. [36], Fett also carried a vast array of equipment on his person. A last-minute effort by Fett and Wesell saved the Infant from unleashing its power within a central Coruscant power core. [22], In 23 BBY Tyranus employed Fett to kill the leader of a resistance force determined to free Kuat's population from its servitude. The book states that Fett and Wesell were sometimes partners and also names Wesell as a frequent accomplice of Fett's. In combat, Fett favored the advantage of speed and height that his jetpack provided him with against his opponents. He knew best when to make use of evasion, which enabled him to outlast his enemies. The Sith recruited Fett to become the genetic template of a secret clone army. After that, a man named Tyranus then hired him to be the template for a clone army at his price and he was told to report to Kamino. [12] Hondo Ohnaka, the leader of the pirate Ohnaka Gang, dragged Aurra from the wreckage of the ship[28] and rebuilt the vessel, adding it to his personal fleet of ships. [9] He was defeated combating the Rebel Han Solo on the planet Tatooine,[32] but Boba was able to survive being devoured by the sarlacc. My backpack has jets! When Fett discovered Kenobi's presence, a dogfight over Geonosis ensued, and although Fett had the upper hand for much of the skirmish, Kenobi was able to outsmart Fett by creating the illusion his ship had been destroyed while in fact he lay in wait on one of the asteroids in Geonosis' rings. Fett always focuses on maintaining peak condition with both his body, mind, and equipment. Biographical information Species After Wesell failed in her first attempt on Amidala's life, Fett set a new plan into action and emphasized to his partner that their employer's patience was waning. Fett subcontracted the hit on Senator Amidala to Zam Wesell, another bounty hunter. Intercepting the Death Rattle, Vizsla's personal starship, over Corellia, Fett used a starfighter to cripple the ship's engines while assaulting the bridge, using his jetpack to fly through the viewport. [Source]. [3] Despite his combat skills, Fett was no match for Mace Windu[5]—the Jedi Order's greatest champion[35]—who severed the hunter's head from his neck with one swing of his amethyst-bladed lightsaber. Oddly enough, both Jango and Boba were thwarted by their jetpacks: while fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi on Kamino, Fett's jetpack detached itself and flew out of control, exploding against a column. Listen to all the music you want on Jango Radio. Subservient to the will of the new Galactic Emperor, they enforced the laws of the New Order and suppressed Sidious' enemies during the early days of the Imperial Era. Jedi Master Yarael Poof sacrificed himself to contain the fracturing statue and prevent the destruction of Coruscant, and Fett returned the statue to Seylott, where it was originally created, for safekeeping. Homeworld Obi-Wan frowned. Fett and Kenobi met in Fett's Tipoca City quarters on civil terms, with Fett going so far as to claim it was "always a pleasure to meet a Jedi" in spite of his adversarial past with the Order. He later served as Count Dooku's personal bodyguard during the battle between the Jedi and Separatists. Jango, looking at the ruined female nearing her death, lowered his weapons. Using the firefight as a distraction, Fett planted an explosive charge beneath the Death Watch's armored tank, destroying it. Reaching Sebolto's transport ship, Fett discovered Huttese markings, which led Fett straight to Tatooine. Unfortunately, Vizsla and the governor had already put a plot into motion, claiming that Mandalorians were murdering "political activists", along with women and children—with Vizsla's own forces providing the body count of innocents—and begging the Jedi Council to step in and put a stop to them.[13]. In combat, Fett favored the advantage of speed and height that his jetpack provided him with against his o… Skin color Fett and the Mandalorians fight off the Jedi attack. He would also ask Skirata to join him in evaluating a group of clones considered to be under par by Kamino Chief Scientist Ko Sai's standards. Fett killed it with a swift blast to the head, but his jetpack was damaged with the reek's attack. The three criminals had attempted to bring ruin to the Fondor system by blowing up Fondor's shipyards. He never married or formed long-term relationships; and it seemed that he would never have any offspring. However, Fett learned that Cradossk and Bossk—two other bounty hunters hired by Wat Tambor—were stalking the same target. Wesell managed to get away from Sebolto and head back down the compound, where she helped Fett call a skiff to cross a chasm separating the compound from the jungle. Jango Fett with Electronic Jetpack and Snap-On Armor! Fett spent years as a slave aboard a spice transport, until his chance at freedom came when pirates attacked the ship. ... "Possibly," Jango answered, pondering if … 1.83 meters[4][5] Unlimited listening, fewer ads. The jetpack included a targeting computer, flight gyros, and a missile/grapple launcher. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. Jango trained Boba while taking jobs and operating out of Kamino. When Kenobi later tried to apprehend Fett for further questioning, they clashed in a titanic battle on Slave I's landing platform, culminating in Fett escaping with Boba aboard Slave I. Boba Fett, the cool-looking bounty hunter who died like a straight punk in Return of the Jedi is his “unaltered” clone. Fett was known as the galaxy's best bounty hunter in his time. The bounty was a test to determine if the rumors of Fett's skills against Jedi were true. He is the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy before Boba. But when he reached the site, the expected team of security personnel in need turned out to be a Death Watch ambush. 66 BBY (31BrS),[2] Concord Dawn[1] [4], There is a discrepancy in the time during which Fett spends with Sheeka Tull; in two locations in The Cestus Deception it is specifically said they met in 41 BBY; however, Sheeka also says that they met two years after the destruction of the Mandalorians, which took place in 34 BBY. Shortly after, Fett met with friend and Outland Station's owner, Rozatta, to collect his fee. He had two jetpacks, one of which was a Merr-Sonn JT-12 jetpack; the jetpack was personally manufactured for Jango Fett by Merr-Sonn Munitions prior to the Clone Wars. At some point Silas was captured and tortured by the sith Dooku in order to get information about Jango Fett, Silas refused, but the count was able to get the information by injecting him a powerful truth serum, he later ordered the torture droids to stop Silas heart and kill him. Needing a replacement, he broke into the prison's hangar of six prototype Firespray-class starships in one of the hangars of the asteroid prison. However, Fett then set up an inheritance fund for Connor as compensation for killing the boy's father, under the guise that he was the boy's father. That evening, Fett went to see how Skirata was coping with the boys, arriving at his room with his son Boba asleep in his arms. In keeping with Mandalorian tradition, Fett allowed his then nine-year-old son Boba—old enough to begin training according to Mandalorian culture—to join him on this assignment. It was in Fett's arms that Mereel passed away. [15] If so, his clones trained under his supervision would be very effective once Order 66, the order to eliminate all Jedi, was issued. Darth Tyranus makes Fett a tempting offer. Concord Dawn[1] Dark brown[3] Roz and Jango often joked with each other, Roz being one of the only people he could trust. However, he would not be alone, as Tyranus also extended an invitation to several other bounty hunters, including Montross. In Legends, Mereel was a rightful heir to the Mandalorian throne, who adopted and raised Jango after Death Watch warriors killed his family. The two spent a year together, which ended when their ship was attacked by pirates. This team looks way more appealing when it doesn’t require Allies of Necessity to be legal, and is perfect for your … [16] Despite providing the genetic template for and overseeing the training of the clones, Fett felt no particular pride in them and viewed them as the Kaminoans' achievement. Following the conclusion of that conflict, Fett became a bounty hunter, quickly establishing a reputation as being one of the best in the galaxy. His personal starship was the Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft Slave I. As he saw it, there were two possible paths he could take here. Content approaching. He is also quite intelligent, tactically skilled and knowledgeable in languages. [3] Fett raised this clone as his son,[5] whom he named Boba Fett,[3] and remained on Kamino to supervise the flash-training of the clone troopers. Silas was an active member of the True Mandalorians, he entered the faction some time after the Death Watch supposed demise on Concord Dawn, he and Jango became good friends and occasionaly worked together during missions, he was with Jango when they witnesed Jaster Mereel violent death, and prevented Jango from getting gunned down, later supporting him in his rise to the mandalore position. All throughout the arena's assembled crowd, lightsabers came to life as the nearly two-hundred Jedi who had infiltrated the arena revealed themselves. Because Neelda had not aided Tiver and Rinn but also had not opposed them, Boba allowed Neelda to leave alive but without his share of the bounty. Mandalorian warriors Mandalorian War Song : Rage of the Shadow Warriors - YouTub . After the death of Fett, his legacy was carried on by the millions of clone troopers that had been made in his image. The Toydarian fired his hyperdrive to escape Fett but the ultimate outcome of the hunt is unknown, though Fett certainly survived.[27]. As the Death Watch set fire to the fields, Fett led the True Mandalorians to an irrigation tube that allowed them to escape the blaze.They took Fett with them as they fled the homestead, the Death Watch burning the crop fields they took cover in. However, the Kamino cloning enterprise gave him an unexpected opportunity to raise a son who was an exact genetic replica of himself—unlike the usual kind of offspring, whose genes are a random mixture of genes from mother and father. However, Kryze referred to Jango as Boba's donor instead of his father and insulted him for being a clone, which irritated Boba and caused him to provoke Reeves into fighting him by threatening Kryze.[34]. Both models were favored by the elder Fett. [3], Fett used his jetpack to fly down to the arena floor, where he confronted Windu, who had dropped his lightsaber. Kenobi would be found alive shortly afterward, captured after spying on Dooku and the other Separatist leaders, and sentenced to death in the arena for espionage. With his family dead and his home in ruins, Fett joined the Mandalorians as they regrouped in a nearby town in order to stage an ambush on the Death Watch. Fett treks through Malastare's dense jungle to reach Sebolto's palace. He was attacked moments later by the Death Watch soldier responsible for the deaths of his parents and although the rogue Mandalorian slashed him with his gauntlet's vibroblade, Fett was able to snatch up a blaster, shooting and killing his parents' murderer. In addition to his pay, he requested an unaltered clone for himself. In addition to their pay, Fett demanded the whereabouts of Tor Vizsla whom the Governor of Galidraan was not only harboring, but funding in his attempts to rebuild the Death Watch. Boba, having hidden a small blaster on himself before the mission, killed both Tiver and Rinn before turning his blaster on Neelda. Fett then shot the clone. Although the real details of Fett's death eventually became clear, the clones nonetheless continued to faithfully serve under their Jedi officers, including Mace Windu. [16], Fett kept a cool demeanor when calculating his every move, always playing to win or survive. Male[5] [7], Shortly thereafter, Boba defended his claim to his armor from Bo-Katan Kryze and Koska Reeves after he doubted Kryze could reclaim Mandalore, noting that the armor belonged to Jango. Fett also worked out his own moral code that he deemed honorable by his standards. Jango Fett wore a set of energized Mandalorian armor[8][31] and piloted a customized Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft named Slave I throughout his career, which his son Boba inherited upon his death. This clone was unaltered in accordance with Fett's wishes, unlike the others who were modified for growth acceleration and enhanced docility. When she fell from the balcony, Fett caught and stunned her. When they confronted Sebolto he frantically tried to escape, but fell into the factory's chemical mixing vat, boiling him to death. Black[3] He was often motivated by money, and as such his loyalty was to the highest bidder. The cave was inhabited by a predator known as the Balyeg, and Jango sprayed his son with the scent of the Pardlam, the Balyeg's main food source. [23], Months later, Tyranus ordered Fett to capture Groodo the Hutt, Senator Rodd of Fondor, and droid engineer Hurlo Holowan. [16] This information led to a nerf processing plant in Coruscant's industrial district, owned by Groff Haugg and used as a front for shipping death sticks. -- Jango Fett . Roz, despite Fett's personal motto "trust no-one", was one of the few people who cared about Fett. The Clawdite delivered Fust to Sebolto while Fett went in the back way, trekking his way through the dense jungle outside of Sebolto's palace. [8] At another, Jango Fett was also an associate of pirate captain Hondo Ohnaka and fellow bounty hunter Aurra Sing. However, Windu retrieved it with a simple Force Pull. After Wesell failed to kill Amidala upon the Senator's arrival to Coruscant, Fett provided her with a pair of deadly kouhuns and tasked her to kill Amidala in her sleep. Jango Fett could have assassinated Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. The Mandalorian recalls a 'simple' line from the Star Wars prequel trilogy when Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison) returns in 'Chapter 14: The Tragedy.' Skin color [4] He had black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin.[3]. Rozatta was Jango's assistant during his early career as a bounty hunter, finding bounties and looking out for him as long as she got her finder's fee. Sometime later, Boba reclaimed the ship and continued using it to carry out bounties for the Empire. Led by Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan Komari Vosa, the Jedi took the governor at his word and demanded the Mandalorians surrender on suspected murder charges, with Vosa adding that should they resist, they'd be killed. A Human from Concord Dawn, Fett was adopted by Mandalorian warriors following the murder of his parents and the disappearance of his older sister Arla in 58 BBY. Black[3] His wish for an heir was granted and soon after the project was underway on Kamino, he was awarded the first clone whom he would name Boba Fett. ... before his story included Jango Fett. Fett explained to his son that the point of the mission was to teach Boba about adapting to unknown conditions, hence working with bounty hunters Boba did not know. While searching for it, he met a woman named Sheeka Tull. Fett fights his way through, and out of, Desolation Alley. Fett and his son Boba were special guests of the Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser and watched the execution from a private box overlooking the Petranaki arena with the Geonosian leader, Count Dooku, and Nute Gunray. Unbeknownst to Jango, however, Gardulla survived this encounter because Fett killed her Krayt Dragon before it could completely digest her, allowing her to crawl out of its corpse. The other was a Z-6 jetpack manufactured by Mitrinomon Transports. He then told Boba to fetch a tooth from the mouth of the Balyeg. As part of a Jedi investigation into the assassination attempts, Fett was tracked back to Kamino by Kenobi after the Jedi was able to determine the Kaminoan origins of the saberdart used to kill Wesell. Bane's Story, Wait for It, Chapter 14: The Tragedy, Star Wars Helmet Collection 22 (Helmets: In Pictures), Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars Helmet Collection 33 (Helmets: Commander Neyo), Star Wars Helmet Collection 41, Star Wars: Build Your Own X-Wing 11 (Starfighter Aces: Jango Fett – Legendary Bounty Hunter)–class. [5] He was also an honorable man according to his friend, the pirate Hondo Ohnaka. Kal Skirata knew Jango during the days when they were both active Mandalorians. Human[3] Jango Fett was buried on Geonosis by Boba with the simple initials J.F. In the end, however, the clones were decommissioned and replaced with natural-born human recruits.[26]. We’re very disappointed by their decision to make this a permanent attachment. A massive battle broke out between the Jedi and the droid army that poured into the arena, although Fett would remain at Dooku's side; when Jedi Council member Coleman Trebor attempted to assault the skybox and confront Dooku, Fett unloaded several blaster bolts into the Jedi Master, killing him and knocking him off the balcony. Affiliation(s) However, before she was able to reveal the identity of her employer to the Jedi, Fett killed her at a substantial distance with a Kamino saberdart.[3]. Jango Fett, portrayed by Temuera Morrison, is 6’0” (1.83 m) tall. The two had great respect for each other and Zam was an important person in young Boba's life before he was forced to kill her. A short while later, Boba returned with the tooth and asked his father why he made him do this. [12] It was initially inherited by Boba,[27] who used it during the war along with Aurra Sing, but Sing crash landed it on the surface of Florrum during a fight with the Padawan Ahsoka Tano. However, when they arrived in the office of Orun Wa, the "defective" clones turned out to be six young clone children. [38] Jeff Bennett provided Fett's voice in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter. [16] En route to Malastare with Fust secured in the cargo hold, the other bounty hunter introduced herself as Zam Wesell. ET. He is primarily motivated by profit and usually only loyal to the highest bidder. [8], Before the cancellation of Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series, Jango's son Boba was set to star in a four-episode arc featuring him and fellow bounty hunter Cad Bane. Boba carried on Jango's legacy by becoming a renowned bounty hunter in his own right. Towards the end of his life, Fett was involved in the assassination attempts against Senator Padmé Amidala, who was secretly being targeted by Dooku at the request of Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation. Homing Beacon #61: Episode II Easter Eggs, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jango_Fett/Legends?oldid=9636009. Fett protected Dooku during the skirmish, killing Jedi Master Coleman Trebor before joining the melee in the arena and attacking Windu. In the meantime, Wesell managed to sneak inside Gardulla's palace but was captured, leaving Fett to fight his way inside by himself. As part of his payment, Fett was given an unaltered clone whom he raised as his son, Boba Fett. [15] He took up residence at Outland Transit Station, a space station in Hutt Space, where, with the help of a Toydarian female associate named Rozatta, he continued his career as a bounty hunter and soldier-for-hire utilizing Jaster Mereel's former ship, now bearing the name Jaster's Legacy.[16]. Sort: Relevant Newest # star wars # episode 2 # mandalorian # attack of the clones # episode ii # star wars # boba # robot chicken # boba fett # fett Much of Jango Fett's origin remains in mystery, but according to himself, he was born on Concord Dawn, a planet owned by the Mandalorians. Fett fought against the Jedi assault team during the First Battle of Geonosis, and was beheaded by Jedi Master Mace Windu in 22 BBY. He used a number of gadgets hidden in his gauntlets, including vibroblades,[4] a whipcord thrower, and a ZX miniature flame projector. Fett pursued Reti to Nod Kartha before he finally caught up with him in a flurry of laser cannon blasts from Slave I. Welcome to our Your Star Wars Guide to Washington State Summer Con!Our goal here is to set you up for having the most Star Wars-infused con experience possible! Born on the Outer Rim planet of Concord Dawn, Jango was a Mandalorian assassin and mercenary who was hailed far and wide as the galaxy’s most ruthless and efficient bounty hunter. [41] It is possible that Ambu Fett may have been considered as the original name of Fett, or another Fett family member, or perhaps another clone. I’m doubtful. Jango Fett : We'll have to try something more subtle this time, Zam. [12] However, the intelligence reports turned out to be inaccurate and the claims of "minimal resistance" turned out to be a much heavier force. Official Star Wars canon materials have yet to confirm how Boba Fett's helmet got this dent in the first place (it wasn't present when Jango wore the armor). [16] While there, "Roz"—as she was affectionately known to the bounty hunter—passed along a message she had taken for him. [23], Fett's death inspired Boba to pursue a vendetta against Windu for the murder of his father. Sheeka Tull was Jango's girlfriend when he was twenty-five years old and courted for a year before their ship was boarded by pirates. After they went into separate escape pods, they never saw each other again. Clan Fett[source?] When Fett surprised Meeko and offered him the chance to be taken in alive, Meeko fled, commanding his borhek to attack Fett. Jango Fett as a young boy on Concord Dawn, Born to a family of farmers, Fett grew up alongside his older sister Arla on the world of Concord Dawn,[1] an agricultural planet in the Mandalore sector, known for being long associated with the Mandalorians. Boba asked if he had done all right despite what had happened, and Fett told Boba that he had shot well, trusted his judgement, and started to build his reputation. Unbeknownst to Fett, however, Rozatta was at the very moment under attack by Montross. Though struck down by Mace Windu in combat, Fett's legacy would live on through his son Boba, as well as his cloned brethren, who would have a profound impact on galactic history. 22 BBY,[2] Geonosis[3] Fett participated in a “last man standing” shootout known as "Fett Club", which he won with the aid of Kannen Doom. Fett led Kenobi on a prolonged chase through Geonosis' asteroid field and eventually locked onto his ship with a missile, believing Kenobi to have perished.[3]. Still Montross continued in his attempts to seize control, implying that Mereel would have wanted him to take over as the new Mand'alor and that the Mandalorians would do best with him in command. Fett, however, remembered Rozatta's final wish and asked for one clone produced without genetic tampering, an apprentice and son that would become Jaster's legacy and revive the Mandalorians. Biographical information Once free of the spice freighter, he set his sights on Galidraan, going after his lost armor and his revenge upon the governor. But is it possible? Jango Fett As prequel trilogy fans know, Morrison originally appeared as Jango Fett, the bounty hunter on whom the entire Clone Army was based. After tumbling into a river, Vizsla stabbed Fett between the armor plates on his torso with a poisoned blade, taunting him that Jaster Mereel would be disappointed. [8] Slipping by all of the governor's security, Fett infiltrated his castle, recovered his armor—restored and repainted by the governor as a trophy—and offered the governor a choice: his life or the location of the Death Watch. www.ambufett.com was a domain name purchased by Lucasfilm before the release of Attack of the Clones. [30], Boba followed in his father's footsteps and became a freelance bounty hunter. Fett also contacted Tyranus to find out who hired Cradossk and have him taken off the job. Search, discover and share your favorite Jango Fett GIFs. [22], One of Tyranus's missions, had Fett track down and eliminate a helmeted man on Atzerri that posed a threat to his plans for the clone army. [18] He would also become a military consultant and helped to create the flash training regimen used to instruct all of the young clones, including in it the traditional Mandalorian song Vode An as a useful tool to help instill within them with a sense of purpose, modifying it slightly in order to give it meaning for soldiers serving the Republic. Montross was allowed to leave, cursing Fett as he slipped off into exile, while Jango Fett became the new Mand'alor, leader of the Mandalorians.[12]. However, Jedi Master Mace Windu quietly entered the box and held Fett at bay, holding the blade of his lightsaber at the bounty hunter's throat. Mass It was then that Fett would carry out the act that would make him both famous and infamous for the rest of his life and career: using no weapon beyond his own hands, feet, and armored body, Fett vengefully killed six Jedi, including the one responsible for Myles' death. By the time of the Separatist Crisis, his face had several scars that he chose to conceal with a Mandalorian helmet. [3][15][28], Fett piloting Slave I amidst the Geonosis asteroid belt, Unfortunately for him, Fett was unaware of a homing device Kenobi had attached to the ship's outer hull that enabled him to track the bounty hunter and his son to Geonosis. Fett then brought her unconscious body to Slave I in order to bring her back to her father.[14]. He then attached a bomb to Jango's helmet and placed it in the bridge of the Endurance for Windu, hoping that when Windu came looking for survivors he would be killed by the bomb. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. After being imprisoned by Jedi, Fett was responsible for destroying the Death Watch, a Mandalorian group who killed Fett's mentor and surrogate father, Jaster Mereel. Ever! Jango Fett is a fictional bounty hunter and the original model for the millions of clones in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. By specifying that this particular clone be genetically unaltered and grow at the normal, non accelerated rate, Fett could reasonably expect that Boba Fett would learn all the skills and values he wanted to teach him.[3]. [17] After parting ways, he returned to Dooku's estate to finalize his deal with the Sith Lord. A suit of Mandalorian armor was given to Jango Fett, a foundling who later became a bounty hunter. Fett tried to take Windu's lightsaber, but was run over by a stampeding reek. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [7][20], Eight years prior to the Battle of Geonosis, Fett met with Mandalorian Cuy'val Dar training sergeant Kal Skirata in Tipoca's cloning facility. Fett, confident in his son's abilities, told her she could try to kill him. Mandalorians[1]True Mandalorians[1]Galactic Republic[3]Confederacy of Independent Systems[3] At the same time, Fett used Montross' ill-guided attack as a diversion to move on their original objective. [16], Fett traveled to the Bogden system, fighting all manner of Bando Gora along the way. They then went back up the compound to Sebolto's palace with the pair of them killing anyone who got in their way. After the Clone Wars, Fett's clones were continuously used as soldiers of the Republic's successor state, the Galactic Empire. Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi attempted to capture Fett before he could escape from Kamino. The two battled for a short time before Kenobi went over the edge of the landing platform, giving Fett an opportunity to escape. Without a war to fight or his trusted comrades to fight beside, Fett grew distant from the rest of his people and his role as Mand'alor and instead, using his combat skills, weaponry, and mercenary experience, turned to the solitary life of a bounty hunter. on a headstone. Stealing one of the patrol craft, Fett piloted the vessel out of the hangar before destroying the hangar and the remaining ships within. He was often motivated by money, and as such his loyalty was to the highest bidder. [29], Jango Fett was thorough, instinctive, and ruthless when it came to bounty hunting, but he was known to have a soft side for the few people he cared about in life. Fett continued to take jobs as a bounty hunter. In the "Creating Mandalore" featurette on The Clone Wars: Season Two DVD set, however, series director Dave Filoni explained that, according to George Lucas, the Fetts were not Mandalorians. before dropping the Senator to his death and engaging the police ship.[16]. 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Stiffy Borborygmus?????????!