Learn about us. Most of these counting systems vanished during the Industrial Revolution, but several remain in use locally and have become fossilized in local rhymes, sayings and folk songs. It's acceptable to put it on children's shows. Learn more about Thought Catalog and our writers on our about page. Aktashite is a rare mineral used commercially as an ore of arsenic, copper, and mercury. Part of Benny’s schtick, for those of you who don’t remember him, involved bad violin playing. In early 19th century English, boxers were nicknamed nobbers, a name apparently derived from the earlier use of nobber as a slang term for a punch or blow to the head. Pussyfoot – act in a cautious or noncommittal way. 26. 37. Nicker-pecker is an old English dialect name for the European green woodpecker, the largest woodpecker native to Great Britain. 38. It’s one of a family of late 18th–early 19th century Scots words all of similar meaning, including perjinkity, perskeety, and, most familiar of all, pernickety. Remember to visit a dermatologist once you've completed the quiz, and talk to them about your answers. Poonga oil is obtained from the seeds of the Indian beech tree, Pongamia pinnata, and is widely used across southern India as everything from a skin treatment to a replacement for diesel in engines and generators. It takes its name from the village of Aktash in eastern Russia, where it was first discovered in 1968. The Oxford English Dictionary calls a humpenscrump "a musical instrument of rude construction." 25. Formication – the sensation of bugs crawling on your skin. 35. It can also be used as a verb meaning "to deforest," or preparing wooded land for farming. You indicated that someone in your family has been diagnosed with HS. Assart is an old medieval English legal term for an area of forested land that has been converted into arable land for growing crops. 12. Pusillanimous – showing a lack of courage or determination; timid. Spelled with two ts, a sack-butt is a wine barrel. B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. We swear. 16. The voters have decided that this post is right! 4. Jaculation is the act of throwing or jostling something around, while to jaculate means "to rush or jolt forward suddenly.". Their name is apparently an imitation of their alarm call. These words aren’t super offensive; they just sound like they are. Haboobs are typically caused by the collapse of a cold front of air, which blasts dust and sediment up from the desert floor as it falls. Tether was an old Lake District name for the number three, while dick was the number ten; tetheradick, ultimately, was a count of 13. Spelled with one t, a sackbut is an early Renaissance brass instrument similar to a trombone. Sometimes words put together sound like something else, its sofa king retarded, amirite? Homonyms are two or more words that have the same sound or spelling but differ in meaning.Homophones—which means "same sounds" in Latin—are two or more words, such as knew and new or meat and meet, that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and often spelling. 3. Interrobang What it sounds … Especially words that are fun to say because they sound like obscenities. After completing this quiz, please talk to your dermatologist about your answers as soon as possible. Fiddling – annoyingly trivial or petty. Dedicated to your stories and ideas. Use them to excite the grammar lover in your life. To grope a gull is an old Tudor English expression meaning "to take advantage of someone," or "to swindle an unsuspecting victim"—and a gullgroper does just that. Diphthong. Comparing the literal and figurative meanings adds some fun to your language studies. 42. ... reader surveys of words that reportedly gross respondents out, from Slate to the Huffington Post, in order to bring together the worst of the worst. Invagination is simply the process of putting something inside something else (and in particular, a sword into a scabbard), or else is the proper name for turning something inside out. To paraphrase Krusty the Clown, comedy isn’t dirty words—it’s words that sound dirty, like mukluk. Weenus – the loose skin covering the outside of the elbow joint. Thespian – relating to drama and the theater. Staying with furnaces, a tease-hole is simply the opening in a glassmaker’s furnace through which the fuel is added. Pissasphalt is a thick semi-liquid form of bitumen, similar to tar. 40. Sheep farmers in some rural parts of Britain once had their own traditional counting systems, many of which are particularly ancient and predate even the Norman and Anglo-Saxon invasions of England. 14. 46 Words That Sound Dirty But Are Not. 3. Defenestration – to throw someone out of a window. Take the quiz to see if your symptoms may be HS—a chronic inflammatory skin condition that may be linked to the immune system. Petcock – the drain valve on a radiator. Sextuple – consisting of six parts or things. 11. Scumbag. One of the species, the ash-breasted tit-tyrant, is one of the world’s most endangered birds, with fewer than 1000 individuals left in a handful of remote, high-altitude sites in Peru and Bolivia. Here are some examples of words that sound totally dirty, but actually aren’t. 32. Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. Pissalat is a condiment popular in southern French cookery made from puréed anchovies and olive oil, mixed with garlic, pepper, and herbs. It likely derives from an even earlier word, noddypoll, for someone who senselessly nods their head in agreement with any idea, no matter how good or bad it might be. BuzzFeed Contributor 1.Kumquat. Aktashite is a rare mineral used commercially as an ore of arsenic, copper, and mercury. If you read that as "a-hole," then think again. Poop deck – the aftermost and highest deck of a ship. The people in my office are putting out a curse-jar. 18. Wankapin, or water chinquapin, is another name for the American lotus, Nelumbo lutea, a flowering plant native to Central American wetlands. in Humor & Offbeat. The opposite is called evagination. Anonymous Share 16 135. Printer-friendly format Email this thread to a friend Bookmark this thread: This topic is archived. Succumb – fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force. In other words, it’s a fan. When pimple-like bumps or boils start showing up in areas where skin rubs together, you may question what’s going on with your body. Taking its name from an Arabic word meaning "blustering" or "blowing," a haboob is a dry wind that blows across deserts, dustbowls, and other arid regions often at great speed, forming vast sandstorms as it goes. Abatement. ", In 19th century English, a slagger was a workman in a blast furnace whose job it was to siphon off the stony waste material, or slag, that is produced when raw metals and ores are melted at high temperatures. It was once also called hitty-titty, as was, incidentally, hide and go seek. Click here. It was first used in reference to cut-and-thrust fighting in the 1700s and is still occasionally used when referencing the knife, though it is becoming more … 43. And yet there are some words out there that have perfectly innocent meanings but make us feel all levels of filth. According to a Tudor dictionary published in 1552, a clatterfart is someone who "wyl disclose anye light secreate"—in other words, it’s a gossip or blabbermouth. Prostrate – lying facedown on the ground. 36. So, without further ado, here are funny dirty names that will have you giggling like a child. PDA. This list first ran in 2015 and was republished in 2019. Cumin – the aromatic seeds of a plant of the parsley family. Here's a word that, today, sounds almost hokey. A fukmast, ultimately, is a ship’s foremast, while the fuksheet or fuksail is the sail attached to the ship’s fukmast. Interrobang – a non-standard punctuation mark. Even earlier than that, in 16th century English, slagger was a verb, variously used to mean "to loiter" or "creep," or "to stumble" or "walk awkwardly.". When we utter the words moist, flange, slag, fanny blower and cleat out loud, chances are we will attract filthy looks or cause a snigger or two. Succotash – an American dish of corn and lima beans cooked together. 21. Have you experienced tender, swollen bumps, either on or under your skin, that may produce foul-smelling liquid and scarring? Jerkinheads are also known as "half-hipped" or "clipped-gable" roofs. Titular – holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority. 5. Fuddrucker’s – an American fast casual, franchised restaurant chain. It dates from the early 1600s, when it was also used as a nickname for an overly spoilt or pampered child. Both sexangle and the equally indelicate sexagon are simply 17th-century names for what is otherwise known as a hexagon, a plane geometric shape with six sides. Submarining: When an ex pops back into your life and then acts like nothing happened during the period you weren’t together. If you read that as "a-hole," then think again. It apparently derives from a Cantonese phrase, baahk gáap piu, literally meaning "white pigeon ticket"—the Oxford English Dictionary suggests that in the original form of the game, a white dove might have been trained to select the winning ticket from all of the entries. If you’re into fun and games for adults why not check out our package on all things dirty like dirty puns, dirty truth or dare, dirty knock knock jokes, dirty riddles, and dirty pick up lines, among others. Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with HS or experienced HS symptoms? 12-02-2008, 03:03 PM. These words sound as dirty as they come, even though their actually meanings are completely innocent. Here are 50 words that might sound rude, but really aren’t. 2. Fuk was an old Middle English word for a sail, and in particular the foremost sail on a ship. The cockchafer is a large beetle native to Europe and western Asia. Spermophile – A terrestrial burrowing rodent; ground squirrel. In the video above by Buzzfeed, the site has pulled together 15 words that can lull your mind into a sense of tranquility (a word that, incidentally, isn't on the list, but should be). Standing little more than a foot tall at the shoulder, the dik-dik is one of the smallest antelopes in all of Africa. Because I have the maturity level of an eight-year-old, here’s a list of grammar terms and words that sound dirty. 24. Please note: This quiz is not meant to diagnose patients with HS. Pakapoo is a 19th-century Australian word for a lottery or raffle. This Is Why We Need To Wear Sunscreen Every Day (If You Want To Stay Looking Young). Uvula – a fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate which hangs above the throat. Email me about updates Report conversation as … Your answers indicate that you haven’t experienced any of the common symptoms that are typically associated with HS. Here are the stories and meanings behind 25 words, names, and titles that you might not have realized actually stand for something. Remember to visit a dermatologist once you've completed the quiz, and talk to them about your answers. Absquatulate. Fukalite. A dreamhole is a small slit or opening made in the wall of a building to let in sunlight or fresh air. Diphthong – a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves toward another. Eek. A bumfiddler is someone who does precisely that. You should speak with a dermatologist about your answers to this quiz to get a proper diagnosis. In the last 6 months, have these bumps reappeared 3 or more times? It’s used to make a type of open bread tart called a pissaladière, which is flavored with onions and black olives. It may sound like a word for getting down and dirty, but this is actually a medical term for the sensation that small insects are crawling over your skin. Assapanick is another name for the flying squirrel. Your answers indicate you’ve experienced symptoms commonly associated with HS. Note that if you specifically want to refer to only two words (like the question title implies) then you'd need to adjust the above options and simply specify that by saying a "two-word homophone" or a "two-word oronym". There are some words that sound dirty but aren’t. Lots of words just sound...not quite G-rated. Three Word Story 2 minutes ago Take One Away 3 minutes ago Take the last letter create a new word that's associated from that old word 3 minutes ago Keep One, Drop One - L.A. ... Post a word that sounds dirty but isn't! 6. by Daniel Nester. Dating back to the Middle English period, foil is an old-fashioned name for a leaf or petal, which is retained in the names of plants like the bird’s-foot trefoil, a type of clover, and the creeping cinquefoil, a low-growing weed of the rose family. Skinflint – a person who spends as little money as possible; a miser. 27. Aholehole. While this word sounds like something funny or possibly cute, it is actually referring to a long, dangerous knife. Homographs, meanwhile, are words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and … Abscissa. Penal – relating to, used for, or prescribing the punishment of offenders under the legal system. Spermophile – A terrestrial burrowing rodent; ground squirrel. The adjective sexagesimal means "relating to the number 60," while anything that proceeds sexagesimally does so in sets of 60 at a time. View Full Version : Words that sound dirty, but really aren't. 50 Words That Sound Insanely Dirty (But Actually Aren’t), Let Your Words Strengthen You, Not Break You, 5 Things You Should Know Before You Date Someone With Sensory Processing Disorder, Stop Correcting The Mispronunciation Of Foreign Words. 22. 12 years 6 months ago Posts: 6; Real names: harold horace balls, Ima hogg and Ura hogg (girls successfully sued their parents), william (willie) hung (american idol reject), teflonda slick, and phat ho (vietnamese not sure on spelling, my friend nearly lost his call center job laughing at that one) As in any language, slang words and phrases in Russian often have strange or nonsensical meanings when translated literally. Panini – a sandwich made with Italian bread, usually toasted. Honest. Abroad. He’s right, of course. 17. The origin of its name is a mystery, but one theory claims the beetles are so characteristically aggressive that they can be made to fight one another like cockerels. Nepotism – the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. For a word to be truly objectionable, it shouldn’t just sound disgusting. However, there are words out there that you can say, that you probably think you shouldn’t or can’t. http://www.vat19.com/dvds/showproducts.cfm?action=popular In any case, it’s derived from coque, the French word for a seashell. The final –ite, incidentally, is the same mineralogical suffix as in words like graphite and kryptonite. Learn more about working with Thought Catalog. The name skiddy-cock is thought to be derived from skit, a 17th-century word meaning "to act shyly," or "to move rapidly and quickly"—but it could just as probably be derived from an even older 15th century word, skitter, meaning "to produce watery excrement. But it's always important to talk to a dermatologist about any medical concerns you may have. Manhole – a small covered opening in a floor, pavement, or other surface to allow a person to enter, especially an opening in a city street leading to a sewer. Aholehole is pronounced “ah-holy-holy,” and is the name of a species of Hawaiian flagtail fish native to the central Pacific. By "spreading their legs, and so stretching the largeness of their skins," he wrote, "they have been seen to fly 30 or 40 yards." As well as being an old nickname for a walking stick or truncheon, knobstick is an old 19th-century slang word for a workman who breaks a strike, or for a person hired to take the place of a striking employee. It also shows them the correct pronunciation of a range of word part sounds. Orogeny – a process in which a section of the earth’s crust is folded and deformed by lateral compression to form a mountain range. Woodcock – a woodland bird of the sandpiper family, with a long bill, brown camouflaged plumage, and a distinctive display flight. Kumquat – an orange-like fruit related to the citruses, with an edible sweet rind and acid pulp. 10. Definitely not what it sounds like, peniaphobia is actually the fear of poverty. Tit-bore—or tit-bore-tat-bore in full—is a 17th-century Scots name for a game of peekaboo. Tantric Sex: Sex that lasts for … Some words really do sound like they mean something quite different from their otherwise entirely innocent definition (a mukluk is an Inuit sealskin boot, in case you were wondering), and no matter how clean-minded you might be, it’s hard not to raise an eyebrow or a wry smile whenever someone says something like cockchafer or sexangle. 30. Its name was adopted into English from Hebrew in the early Middle Ages, but it can probably be traced all the way back to an Ancient Egyptian word for a thorn-tree. 48. Need help finding a dermatologist? If you are hurting, this guided journal + gift set is for you. 28. It's important to talk to a dermatologist about any medical concerns you may have. The lotus was apparently introduced to what is now the southern United States by native tribes who would use the plant’s tubers and seeds (known as "alligator corn") as a source of food. Do these symptoms appear near your inner thighs, armpits, chest, groin, or buttocks? Uncover inner peace and find the strength to move on with this guided journal + healing gift set which includes sage, a white purification candle, and a rose quartz stone. A nestle-cock is the last bird to hatch from a clutch of eggs. Vote on the post to say if you agree or disagree. Dongle – a small device able to be connected to and used with a computer, especially to allow access to wireless broadband or use of protected software. Aktashite. 1. Nodgecock, like lobcock, is another Tudor word for a fool or simpleton. When listed on Indian menus, it goes by the slightly more appetizing name of “Bombay duck.”. So if you ever want to say the grossest sentence in the … A sexagesm, ultimately, is one-sixtieth of something. Let's build a list of words that are clean and legitimate, but if parsed in a certain way, sound dirty. Maus Magill. In these worksheets students must find the word that has the same sound as the underlined letter or letters in the first word. They may sound offensive, but they're really not. The following 436 words are from the facebook group "Words that sound dirty but aren't." 34. Cockapert is an Elizabethan name for "a saucy fellow" according to the Oxford English Dictionary, but it can also be used as an adjective meaning "impudent" or "smart-alecky.". It takes its name... 3. Diphthong is fun to say, and might sound dirty, but it’s really a linguistics term for a sound made by combining two vowels (like oil and loud). Pusillanimous – showing a lack of courage or determination; timid. The first part of the name is the Greek word for pitch, pissa. Ask Reddit has pointed out some words that sound suspiciously dirty. Plethora – a large or excessive amount. 23. In 1973, my favorite comedian, the late Jack Benny, appeared on The Dick Cavett Show. 87% Yeah You Are 13% No Way. 29. In his Dictionary of the English Language (1755), Samuel Johnson described a bum-bailiff as "a bailiff of the meanest kind," and in particular, "one that is employed in arrests.". In this context nicker is probably a derivative of nick, meaning a small cut or scratch. I've started with a short list of examples: Dictator (dick tater) Happiness (penis) Shiitake (shit) Symbolic (ball lick) Yeah, yeah, I know it's juvenile. However, what we are dealing with here are a bunch of non-English words that sound just horribly dirty keeping the Queen's tongue in mind but actually have quite different meanings. Alongside others like humstrum, celestinette and wind-broach, it was originally another name for the hurdy-gurdy. Have your physical symptoms, such as sores, wounds, or pain, impacted your lifestyle or mental outlook? 50 Words That Sound Dirty But Actually Aren't 1. 15. 47. 1. Penistone (pronounced “pen-is-tun,” before you ask) is the name of a picturesque market town in Yorkshire, England, which has given its name to both a type of coarse woolen fabric and a type of locally produced sandstone. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme. Crepuscular – animals that are active at twilight. 9. The shittah is a type of acacia tree native to Arabia and north-east Africa that is mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Isaiah as one of the trees that God "will plant in the wilderness" of Israel, alongside the cedar, pine, and myrtle. Masticate. The Scots word pershittie means "prim," or "overly meticulous." Matriculate – be enrolled at a college or university. Words like … 10. Here is a list of 44 words or phrases , that my husband compiled over a few months of unemployment, and complete and utter lack of anything better to do with his time, seemingly, that sound dirty , but are completely innocent! To bumfiddle means to pollute or spoil something, in particular by scribbling or drawing on a document to make it invalid. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Straight Dope Message Board > Main > In My Humble Opinion (IMHO) > Words that sound dirty, but really aren't. The prefix sexa– is derived from the Latin word for "six" rather than its Greek equivalent, heks. Aholehole is pronounced “ah-holy-holy,” and is the name of... 2. A sexfoil is ultimately a six-leaved plant or flower, or a similarly shaped architectural design or ornament incorporating six leaves or lobes. Mukluk – a soft boot worn by Eskimos. Cockpit – a compartment for the pilot. 33. You may unsubscribe at any time. Russian Cheat Sheet: 15 Slang Words to Instantly Sound Like a Native According to one 19th-century glossary of industrial slang, a fanny-blower or fanner was "used in the scissor-grinding industry," and comprised "a wheel with vanes, fixed onto a rotating shaft, enclosed in a case or chamber to create a blast of air." Tittilate. 44. 2. It literally means "speed-play" in Swedish. Here's 46 for your snickering pleasure. 19. Angina – chest pain on the left side associated, usually, with exercise. Abreast. Lobcock is an old Tudor English word for an idiot or an unsophisticated, clownish bumpkin. Derived from bastón, the Spanish word for a cane or walking stick, bastinado is an old 16th century word for a thrashing or caning, especially on the soles of the feet. The tit-tyrants are a family of eight species of flycatcher native to the Andes Mountains and the westernmost rainforests of South America. 45. 1. It was also once used to refer to holes in watchtowers used by lookouts and guards, or to openings left in the walls of church towers to amplify the sounds of the bells. This teaches students to identify letters based on their sounds. Acerose Billcock, brook-ouzel, oar-cock, velvet runner, grey-skit, and skiddy-cock are all old English dialect names for the water rail, a small and notoriously elusive wading bird found in the wetlands of Europe, Asia, and north Africa. While exploring the coast of Virginia in 1606, Captain John Smith (of Pocahontas fame) wrote in his journal of a creature known to local tribes as the assapanick. Of nick, meaning a small slit or opening made in the wall of a plant of the palate. The underlined letter or letters in the first word acerose because I have the maturity level of an eight-year-old here! Dirty as they come, even though their actually meanings are completely innocent the elbow.! Used in building work and repairs with furnaces, a sackbut is an early Renaissance instrument. May sound offensive, but are n't. bill, brown camouflaged plumage, and mercury some! Hitty-Titty, as was, incidentally, is one-sixtieth of something the left side associated, toasted. However, there are words out there that you haven ’ t or can ’ t any! Times fast is pronounced “ ah-holy-holy, ” and is the name of a species flycatcher... Appeared on the left side associated, usually toasted jerkinheads are also known as `` a-hole, or... 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